True North

Today, we want to launch into a series called true north. . We are starting a multiweek series called true north. I want to have clear direction, sure, I like a little adventure every now and then, but in the end, I want to know where I am going…and I can imagine so do you! You can set your course today….

Today in just a few minutes- I want to share with you one Weaver family story, one story from scripture that can help further, and extend an invite to you all today.

Most of us here, I would imagine, don’t like that nagging feeling of being lost.

There can be profound sense of anxiety or distress when they kind of have no idea where they are going. Okay, there are few out there, adventure seekers,…like the idea of being lost, solving the problem, figuring out your location, and navigating your way through. That said, in the end, you still want to find your way.

It reminds me of a story of my honeymoon. I had envisioned a romantic road trip from London to Scotland, driving through the lowlands of Scotland enjoying sights and sounds of the panoramic scenery. Brian and Janine Pic

Well, it started off well, we spent a couple of nights in London, seeing the various sights catching Phantom of the Opera (still one my all time favorite stage designs for a show), and began our one day trek up to Edinburgh Scotland.

To help navigate our way, we had one of these: (Picture Trip Tic)

To help our younger more digitally native crowd amongst us…this was called a trip tick.

Somehow in driving along one of the wonderful motorways as they are known in England, I failed to turn the page at the right time and did not make the turn necessary to keep on on the path. We switched to the good old atlas to get there.


How much more in the the journey of life? We are on journey…we are living…driving, but sometimes we find that where we is not where we wanted to be? Or more over, we are where we planned, but it is still now what we needed.

Still, There is something deeply unsettling about being adrift…not knowing what is next. Or, maybe not adrift, but paddling upstream to find a point of reference or direction. and feeling that the headwinds and currents of life pushing you here and there.

Hebrews 12:1b-2a

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

Keep your eyes on the prize…stay focused on the fixed point. Always come back to your fixed point even if you get distracted for a moment.

Author…initiates and helps you along the way…

Perfector…he draws you to himself and carries you…helps you along the way…

And we need help…there are some big questions out there:

Life is full of big questions…should I apply for that job. Should I ask that person out for a date? What college am I going to ? Do we have another kid? Am I making a difference?

All Good questions:

But there is also the Big three questions…you know those deeply personal, existential questions:

Who am I? The identity question.

Why am I here? The purpose question

Where is this all headed? Future question.

Can we find our true north to not only answer some questions that we have but also the big questions that we have in life? Christianity helps to answer these big questions’ furthermore, Christ is our true-north, helping to navigate our way forward.

Story of John: Peter and company, a little disoriented for a moment until they fixed their eyes back on Jesus.

Simon Peter, Thomas(also known as Didymus[b]), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee,the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together.3 “I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll go with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

4 Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.

5 He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”

“No,” they answered.

6 He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

7 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!”

Jesus was reaching out to them and they didn’t even know it. He was speaking to them, but they didn’t know it was him.

• How often is that the case?

• Maybe you grew up in church…and an old hymn, starts stirring in you. I have found that sometimes God will speak to me through songs in my soul

• Perhaps you are here today for the first time, and you think, why I am here, but something compelled you

• Maybe you are thinking about Christianity more – with some big questions—but you feel you heart moving in direction…

• Time to get back to church... and be with God’s people.

Just maybe…this Jesus speaking to you

This encounter gave them direction again. It renewed their hearts and spirits. It gave them sustenance.

Everyone was telling me different directions…I was nervous, I was lost, but I knew I had to keep going.

Knowing Jesus changes everything.

Something changes when you find true north, when you refocus your attention on Jesus.

CS. Lewis discovered this as well:

CS Lewis quote:

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

~C.S. Lewis

Running my race…the power of Christ…the author and perfector…

But what about you?

Where is your journey taking you? maybe you can’t discern up from down at the moment, and you would be grateful for just north, let alone true north.

Jesus is the way…

Or maybe you have lost your identity, and looking for something, Jesus is truth, turn to the one who has made you, and you can learn more about a beautiful relationship with jesus.

Or you are wondering about life in general…Jesus is the life…

John 14:6 “I am the way the truth and the life if anyone wants to come to the father they must come through me”

Jesus is our true north today, you can live purpose filled life in him because he created you for more.

Moreover, you can experience new life today, that is forgivness of sins, because Jesus came to save people far from God. People who have made big and small mistakes like you and me.


You see I was a church boy…I went to Sunday school, but for some of you that is completely different.

Something shifted in me around when I was 12 years old…I forgot to change the triptic map. I didn’t have my gps on … and I began to answer the big questions my own way…for awhile, I thought I found happiness. I was successful (relatively) in many areas, but the emptiness was still there. A nagging feeling that there was more for me. A conscious that was telling me maybe I shouldn’t be doing some of the things that I was doing…but then, that day, I gave my life to Christ, acknowledging him as my savior and Lord anew…suddently, the sun was arising, and I could see everything differently


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you that you sent your son, Jesus, to earth to save and redeem humanity. Jesus, I confess that you died on the cross and your rose again for me. Today, I acknowledge that I need you as Savior in my life. I receive your gracious forgiveness by faith, and I accept the gift of new life that you freely give. I pray this all in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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