Give to HTC MIssion
As Holy Trinity Church, we are committed to advancing the Gospel from the Neighborhoods to the Nations.
We pray. We give. We go.
You can now give to our Global Partners through HTC or directly to them on our Mission page.
If you have a specific preference for your donation, please tell us by filling out the form below.
(“Name of Global Partner-Amount”)
Donation Disclaimer
If you want to partner financially with HTC Mission, you can give online or by writing a check (please contact finance@htc.us for further instructions.)
Please note all donations are processed in US dollars.
All donations are tax-deductible in the United States and nonrefundable. ‘Holy Trinity Georgetown Pike’ is a Virginia Non-Profit Corporation organized in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Annual tax receipts are sent to donors via mail.
As a donor concerned with preferencing your donated funds for a specific HTC Mission participant or event, we want you to know that we will make every effort to apply these funds in accordance with your preference to the extent that is allowed by law. You (the donor) are acknowledging that you are releasing control of how this contribution will be utilized.
Recurring donations will be sent to our Globals Partners quarterly to reduce fees.