HTC Men offers events, small groups, and discipleship designed to build meaningful relationships with God and each other… and we have a blast doing exactly that.

Men’s Retreat

Join us for an overnight Men’s Retreat at Meadowkirk on February 28. It’s going to be a powerful time of connecting with each other, encouragement through the teaching, and life-giving moments in prayer.

Learn more and register here.


Dudes. Food. Fun.

Get in touch with Brian Weaver with questions or to connect.

JoIN A Men’s Small Group

  • Where: Home in McLean

    When: Every other Wednesday

    Contact: Joe Dodd |

    Please note: Space is limited for this group.

  • Where: Home in Alexandria

    When: Fridays @ 7:30AM

    Contact: Phillip Merrick |

    Please note: Space is limited for this group.

  • WHERE: McLean, VA

    WHEN: Fridays @ 7:30-9PM

    WHO: Men in their 20s and 30s

    CONTACT: Frank St. John |

  • WHEN: Once or twice a month | 1st gathering 10/13

    WHAT: Dinner/drinks and conversation

    WHO: Young married and single men, but all guys are welcome.

    CONTACT: Michael Sanders |

Explore more groups on our Small Groups page.

Explore more groups on our Small Groups page.