Small Groups
HTC Small Groups provide you with the chance to get past the small talk and into the good stuff. With options all over the area and meetings at various times during the week, there’s sure to be a group for you! We also add additional groups from time to time, so be sure to check back here to learn about new opportunities to connect. The group’s are divided into four categories: Geographic (listed by town), Topical (listed by topic), and women’s and men’s groups. Please scroll all the way down the page to see all the options. If you have trouble navigating the page or have a heart to start a group, let us know by reaching out to michele@htc.us. To learn more about HTC's vision for small groups, please listen here.
Alexandria/Kingstowne Small Group
WHERE: Kingstowne section of Alexandria, VA
WHO: Men, women, and children welcome
WHAT: A group to gather and discuss scripture together
WHEN: This group will meet the first and third Monday evening every monthCONTACT: Hunter Wilder | huntwilder@gmail.com
WHERE: Great Falls, VA
WHAT: Meeting every other week on Thursday evenings in Great Falls
CONTACT: Bernard and Patricia Myers | greatfallsgrouphtc@gmail.com
Georgetown Small Group
WHERE: Georgetown, DC
WHAT: Meeting every week on Thursday evenings in Georgetown.
CONTACT: Nikki Farison | Nikkifarison@gmail.com
Bethesda Small Group
WHERE: Bethesda, MD
WHAT: We are starting a new small group in Bethesda. We have a host home and are looking for a leader. If you are interested in leading or attending, please contact Michele.
CONTACT: Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us
falls church family Group
WHERE: West Falls Church, VA
WHEN: This group will meet the first and third Sundays of the month from 3 to 5 pm. Children are welcome!CONTACT: Sommer Randol | sommerdawn98@gmail.com
MClean young couples group
WHEN: Every third Monday of the month
WHO: Young married couples
CONTACT: Jordan & Naomi Smith | jordan@htc.us
POTOMAC Small Group
WHERE: Potomac, MD
WHEN: Every other Saturday night
WHO: Men, Women, & Children welcome
CONTACT: Linda & Tom Yau | LTL6@yahoo.com
Please note: This group has limited space.
McLean Small Group
WHAT: This group meets in McLean every other week.
WHEN: Sunday evenings, 7 to 8:30 PM, every other weekCONTACT: Merrill Hoekstra | merrill.hoekstra@gmail.com
Reston SMALL GRoup
WHERE: Reston, VA
WHEN: Every other Sunday after Church @ 12:30-2 PM
WHO: Men, Women, & Children welcome
DESCRIPTION: Lunch, fellowship, and brief discussion of what spoke to you from the sermon
CONTACT: Mark & Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us
Reston Evening GRoup
WHERE: Reston, VA
WHEN: Twice a month
CONTACT: Erin Clifford | erinclifford@me.com
Springfield SMALL GRoup
WHERE: Springfield, VA
WHEN: The first and third Saturday evenings every month at 6:30 pm
CONTACT: Morgan Matoskey | morganmatoskey@gmail.com
WHAT: This group meets twice a month for a potluck dinner and fellowship, followed by a study of the previous week’s sermon.
WHERE: Home in Vienna, VA
WHEN: Twice a month on alternating Thursdays at 6:45 PM
CONTACT: Jody Toser | HTCJodyT@gmail.com
WHERE: HTC Upper Conference Room
WHEN: 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month @ 9AM
DESCRIPTION: This group will discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon and how it applies to our everyday lives. Group membership is focused on married couples with younger children (highschool and younger). Childcare is shared through paid sitters for younger kids.
CONTACT: Ryan Holte | ryan.holte@gmail.com
Art Appreciation
WHEN: Monthly gatherings decided per event
WHAT: A group to dream up monthly events to build community around engaging with art. From sip n’ sees, to poetry readings, to concert going, to gallery adventures— come join us monthly to discover the artists within our midst!
CONTACT: Maggie Dean | margaretmdean@gmail.com
YA discipleship group in Mclean
WHAT: A group for Young Adults wanting to go deeper in their walk with God.
WHEN: Every Thursday at 6:30 pmCONTACT: Jordan Smith |
PARENTS GRoup in mclean
WHEN: Starting in September during the Youth service, Sunday evenings from 6 to 8 PM
WHO: Parents of youth welcome
DESCRIPTION: Stimulating conversation on the Sermon of the Day!
CONTACT: Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us
Entrepreneur Small GROUP at HTC
WHO: Anyone working remotely or working on their own
WHAT: Time to chat, pray, and work in the same space
WHEN: Fridays from 8 am to 1 pm
WHERE: HTC LibraryCONTACT: Anna Holowinsky | anna.holowinsky.92@gmail.com
Spanish Speakers At Htc
WHAT: We would love to have a group for Spanish speakers! Join every other Sunday after service at HTC. Contact Michele below to get the group started.
CONTACT: Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us
WHAT: We would love to start a group for the medical professionals at HTC. If you are a medical professional who would like to meet others at HTC, please contact Michele below to meet up for lunch once a month after Sunday Service.
CONTACT: Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us
SUPPORT for Families dealing with dementia
WHAT: Do you have a family member struggling with dementia? Join this group for support through fellowship and prayer for each other. Times and dates for meeting TBD.
CONTACT: Kellie Boyle | kellieboyle@live.com
Young Adults Writing Group
WHO: Young Adults (18-35 Years)
WHAT: This group is for young writers of any genre to come together and write as a community. The group will meet twice a month for coffee and a pastry, to chat and pray, discuss projects and goals, and then sit down and write! At the end, struggles, challenges and encouragement will be shared.
CONTACT: Elizabeth Shelton | ejshelton823@gmail.com
YOUNG ADULT Bible study at HTC
WHEN: Tuesdays @ 7PM
WHO: Young Adults (18-35 Years)
WHAT: Join us as we study the Bible together!
Open invite—just show up! With questions…
CONTACT: Jordan Smith | jordan@htc.us
WHERE: Rotate Hosting
WHEN: Every other Sunday evening
WHAT: This group has made it to the top of the hill but isn't over it! Contact John below for details.
CONTACT: John Walker | john@walkerteamrealtors.com
a little d&D
WHERE and WHEN: Bi-weekly on Sundays starting at 2 pm
WHO: Young Adults
WHAT: A small group for young adults interested in Role Playing Games such as D&D. No experience necessary, new players welcome! We meet on a biweekly basis on Sunday afternoons to share adventures, laughter, and creative problem solving.
Our current campaigns involve pirates, disappearing villages, mystery, heists, and more!
For quality reasons, at the moment space is limited so please reach out quickly if interested. We are hoping to expand in the future!CONTACT: Emie Little | wolfemie@gmail.com
WHERE: Various locations or online
WHAT: Would you like to be part of a prayer triad at HTC? Contact Maggie below and she will get you started!
DESCRIPTION:CONTACT: Maggie Dean | margaretmdean@gmail.com
Falls church Women’s Group
WHAT: Join us as we study the Bible together.
WHEN: Thursdays @ 7:30PM
CONTACT: Abby Allen | abbyroballen@gmail.com | Kolby DeHart | kolbylynn@gmail.com
WHERE: HTC in McLean, VA
WHEN: Mondays @ 7PM
DESCRIPTION: Are you and your husband on different spiritual tracks? This group is for you! We’ll be guided by a study called “Winning Him Without Words” from the Mismatched & Thriving Ministries, Living with Purpose.
CONTACT: Jody Toser | HTCJodyT@gmail.com
MOnday Night Women’s Bible Study at htc
WHERE: HTC Lobby and Library
WHEN: Mondays 7 to 9 PM
DESCRIPTION: Bible study for women of all ages! We eat appetizers together at 7 PM and start the lesson at 7:30 PM. Click HERE for more information. After a teaching in a large group setting, we break into three small groups for discussion and prayer.
CONTACT: Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us
Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study at htc
WHERE: HTC in Haith Hall
WHEN: Wednesdays 9:30 to 11:30 AM
DESCRIPTION: A Bible study for women of all ages! Click HERE for more information. Snacks and childcare are provided. After worship and teaching in large group, we break into 4 small groups for discussion and prayer.
CONTACT: Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us
The body revelation: heal your soul and body
WHAT: Do you struggle with body image issues? Is it hard to see yourself as the Lord sees you, beautiful and beloved?
WHEN: Wednesdays, 12:30 to 2 pm
WHERE: HTC Library
CONTACT: Toni Shiloh | lohloh83@hotmail.com
Alexandria Women’s Group
BETHESDA Women’s Group
WHAT: This group meets in Bethesda every other week and talks about the sermon of the week.
WHERE: Bethesda, MD
WHEN: Thursdays at 7:30 pm
CONTACT: Raquel Molina | raquelmolina357@gmail.com
MOMMY & ME at htc
WHERE: McLean, VA at HTC in Toddler Playroom
WHEN: Thursday mornings @ 10:30 AM, every week
WHAT: Play group for moms and tots under 18 months.
CONTACT: Janine Weaver | janine@htc.us
lunch hour bible study at htc
WHAT: Lunch Hour Bible Study, every other Thursday. Come and eat at a different table!
WHERE: HTC Library
WHEN: Noon to 1:30 PM
CONTACT: Gulnaz Donahue | gulnaztk@yahoo.com or Erin Hawley | erinmhawley@gmail.com
finding YOUR voice: Speaker training for WOMEN - new group
WHAT: Would you love to learn more about how to effectively teach the Word and speak more confidently as a woman? Plan to attend the seminar on November 2nd at HTC. We will discuss a potential small group afterwards.
CONTACT: Michele Wrigley | michele@htc.us or Erin Clifford | erinclifford@me.com
WHAT: Join other praying moms on a weekly Zoom call.
WHEN: Every Thursday from 1:30 to 2:30 pm.
LINKCONTACT: Kathy Liu | uualiu@gmail.com
MOMS OF BOYS/potomac md - New gRoup
WHAT: We have a host home and leader who would like to start a group for moms of boys. We are ready if you are, contact Catie!
WHERE: Potomac, MD
CONTACT: Catie Hurley | catiephurley@gmail.com
arlington bible study babes
WHAT: Bible study for women of all ages
WHEN: Thursdays 12:30 to 2:30 PM
WHERE: 3425 N. Albemarle Street, Arlington VA
CONTACT: Melissa Carey | melissacarey@msn.com
Reston Men’s Group
WHERE: Various locations near Reston, VA
WHEN: Once a month
CONTACT: Brian Weaver | brian@htc.us | Bernard Myers | bmyers225@gmail.com
Men’s Small Group in mclean
WHERE: Home in McLean
WHAT: Currently studying the book of Amos
WHEN: Every other week on Wednesday or Thursday evenings
WHO: All men are welcome. This a great group for men new to HTC.
CONTACT: Charlton Ho | charlton@me.com
Alexandria Men’s Group
Online Men’s Group
Young Men’s Discipleship in mclean
WHEN: Fridays @ 7:30-9PM
WHO: Men in their 20s and 30s
CONTACT: Frank St. John | fstjohn1@outlook.com
Guys Hang-out/Fellowship in oakton
WHEN: Once a month
WHAT: Dinner/drinks and conversation
WHO: All guys are welcome
CONTACT: Michael Sanders | mjsanders83@gmail.com