Young Adults friendsgiving
The annual Young Adults Friendsgiving Potluck is a chance to gather in a way Jesus often did with his disciples: around a table with food and drink provided by the generosity of those who believed Jesus's message. Come enjoy the food and community on November 24th.
Turkey Mission Trip Testimony Evening
Hear all about the recent visit to Turkey from the HTC Missions Trip Team!
Join us on November 24th at 6:30pm to learn about the team’s experiences and how it affected their lives.
My Sister’s Place - Christmas Edition
Join us for worship, dinner, and a night of carols and fun as we celebrate the season together! Come along and hear how we can "reframe" Christmas from a season of "hustle and bustle" to one of "joy and peace."
First Friday
Join us for First Friday, our monthly young adult get together on December 6th! This is a time to gather for worship, hear a talk from Scripture, and enjoy great food and fellowship.
weekly prayer Gatherings
HTC is a house of prayer. We gather in person or online daily to enjoy the presence of God, offer the worship he deserves, and ask for his power to act in our lives, church, community, and nation.
To learn more about how you can join in, visit