celebrate resurrection life through Music, word, and community.
First Friday
Join us for First Friday, our monthly young adult get together on April 4th! This is a time to gather for worship, hear a talk from Scripture, and enjoy great food and fellowship.
Love Your Neighbor Challenge
For 28 days we’ll be hyper-focused on being the hands and feet of Jesus by performing one simple act of kindness each day. There will be organized outreach events for you, your family, or your entire small group to join in on.
Keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks.
Vacation Bible School
Campers ages 3-11 years old are invited to explore the incredible story of Joseph, whose adventures with God led him from prison to Pharaoh’s palace. Older kids and adults can be part of the adventure by joining our VBS team to help bring the Bible to life.
Registration closes June 1.
weekly prayer Gatherings
HTC is a house of prayer. We gather in person or online daily to enjoy the presence of God, offer the worship he deserves, and ask for his power to act in our lives, church, community, and nation.
To learn more about how you can join in, visit htc.us/prayer.